4th Street residential fire responded to by Winkler Fire Dept.

Winkler Fire Department responded to a residential fire call on 4th Street Monday night.

The call came in at 8:30 p.m., and Chief Richard Paetzold says when crews arrived, they found smoke emanating from the basement. He noted the fire was found in an exterior wall, and firefighters quickly knocked it down.

According to Paetzold, the owners were home at the time, but escaped. They were checked by EMS for smoke inhalation.

The exact extent of the damage is unknown, and the cause remains under investigation.

Ever-growing Katie Cares launches new online auction

It’s likely that most members of the Pembina Valley (and even those from beyond it) have heard of or even benefitted from the work that the Katie Cares charity does in the community. For the past decade, the Katie Cares Fashion Show has been the charity’s main fundraiser to support its operations, but now, there will be a new addition to the tradition with an online auction.  

Dive In: Final Week to Enjoy Local Pools

Local pools will be open for one more week, offering one last chance to enjoy them this summer warmth before the season winds down. 

Bryson Loewen, a pool supervisor, reflects on what has been a fantastic summer. “It's been awesome, the amount of people that we've had coming in has just been really good, especially compared to other years,” he shared. The consistently warm weather has drawn more visitors, keeping the Altona Aquatic Centre full of activity.

CCA narrowing down finalists in the Young Leaders Mentorship Program

Participants in the Canadian Cattle Association's Young Leaders Mentorship Program took part in the final round of competition last week during the Canadian Beef Industry Conference. 

The group of 24 took part in roundtable discussion with the other participants and judges as they work to narrow down the group to the 16 finalists.

Jessica Radau,  the CCA's Policy, Programs and Engagement Manager says the roundtable discussions covered a variety of topics from succession planning to biosecurity, building public trust in the industry and more.

North American beef industry leaders hold trilateral meeting

The Canadian Cattle Association hosted the third 2024 triannual trilateral meeting with industry leaders from the United States and Mexico last week to discuss some of the common challenges and opportunities facing the cattle sector.

Trade issues and relations were top among the topics being discussed with the upcoming review of the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA/USMCA/T-MEC) set for 2026.

The group also discussing the impact of lab grown proteins as well as international engagement on antimicrobial resistance.

Multiple Fire Departments battle dairy barn blaze 

The call came into the St. Claude Fire Department Monday morning, regarding a dairy barn fire near Haywood that was going to need a joint effort to battle the blaze.

Elm Creek Fire Chief Anton Borst described what happened.

"The call about 11:30 in the morning and when we arrived on scene, one end of the structure was very involved, and it was in the attic. We stayed there. When I left at 10:00 PM or 9:30, we still had a few people on site just monitoring hotspots and stuff like that. But most of the barn burned down except for the calf section. We managed to save that."

Leave test strips for hail damaged crop assessments

Farmers are looking for some decent weather now with harvest activities underway across the Prairies.

Over the last few weeks, some areas have seen severe storm activity and hail damage. 

The Canadian Crop Hail Association says from July 29th to August 11th over 1600 claims of crop damage were reported in the prairies with more than 75 per cent of those claims coming from farms in Alberta.


Carman Dufferin FD responds to garage fire Monday night

Carman Dufferin Fire Department responded to a structure fire late Monday night in Carman.
The call came in around 10:45 pm., and when firefighters arrived they found a detached garage fully involved in flames. Crews were able to contain the blaze before it spread to neighbouring buildings, but some of the neighbouring buildings did sustain minor damage. 

Firefighters remained on scene overnight into Tuesday morning.

The cause of the fire is currently under investigation with the Office of the Fire Commissioner.