MLA McLeod's Report from the Legislature - Mar. 21, 2024

Below you'll find MLA Tim McLeod's Report from the Legislature for March 21, 2024. 

The views expressed below are solely the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official stance of Golden West.


Saskatchewan’s 2024-25 Budget makes record new investments in classrooms, care and communities. The budget includes the largest-ever increase in school operating funding, the largest-ever increase in health funding and the largest-ever increase in municipal revenue sharing for Saskatchewan communities.

Feed Better for Less with RuffMutts Spring Sale

The staff at RuffMutts three locations in Altona, Morden and Niverville is looking forward to helping you save during the Spring Sale March 22nd and 23rd.

"Feed Better for Less" is how the local pet food and supply store approaches caring for your four-legged family members.

"Feed Better for Less is our slogan, and a key philosophy within RuffMutts," explained Co-Owner Guy Britten. "We offer the best food for every budget. The way we do this is by looking at the cost of the bag, how much you need to feed and the ingredients."

Spring Is Coming - Are You Ready?

You’re not mistaken- warmer weather is on the way, and soon you’ll be able to take on the great outdoors… without your parka and winter boots. Whether taking the crew camping, going for a spin through the bush, or even working around the farm, make Avenue Honda Polaris your first stop for the ultimate outdoor experience!

While the name may be misleading, the staff at Avenue Honda Polaris hope that EVERYONE shows up for their Customer Appreciation Event on Wednesday, March 20.

Standby Power will keep you from being left in the dark

After thousands were without power, in some cases for several days, after the brutal Thanksgiving Storm in October 2019, a business idea was born… Standby Power in Reinfeld.

“It was apparent to me our area was in need of someone knowledgeable in generators,” explained owner Wayne Klassen. “I have a vast amount of experience in the electro-mechanical world, and have repaired generators for over 25 years in my spare time.”

MLA McLeod's Report from the Legislature - Mar. 14, 2024

Below you'll find MLA Tim McLeod's Report from the Legislature for March 14, 2024. 

The views expressed below are solely the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official stance of Golden West.


On March 20, Finance Minister Donna Harpauer will present the 2024-25 Provincial Budget, outlining the strategic investments we are making to continue to drive Saskatchewan’s growth. Investments in priority areas like health care, education and communities are only possible due to the strength and growth of our provincial economy.

Advanced foot and lower limb clinic now serving Moose Jaw and area

“There are very few things in healthcare that are close to 100% successful,” says Patrick Shields. “But this is pretty darn close.”

An experienced caregiver in advanced orthopedics, Shields is also the owner-operator of Footworks Advanced Foot Care – a recently-opened clinic in Moose Jaw. Having first launched in Swift Current, he says both the success of the original location and an evident need for lower limb care in South Central Saskatchewan made the city a logical next step for expansion."

Please don’t clean before the cleaner comes, Cindy-Rella’s Cleaning Service

They’re a cleaning company. But they don’t sell sparkling kitchen floors and lemon-fresh bathrooms- that’s amateur territory. By far, Cindy-rella’s top seller is the deep breath released when you open the door to a clean space after a long day.

Based in Steinbach, but reaching as far as Altona and Morris, Cindy-rella’s Cleaning Company specializes in residential cleaning. So what sets them apart?

“We really care. It’s more than just cleaning your house- we love to be able to help you as an individual.”