Holy Family implements new roles in Weyburn, Estevan schools with enrollment growth top-up funding
The Holy Family Roman Catholic Separate School Division has received mid-year funding from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education to support growing student enrollment. This was part of a $29.5 million addition to the total 2024-25 investment of $58 million to help alleviate space pressures in schools across the province.
Cold, snow, safety: How SECPSD handles winter bus cancellations
With the cold weather experienced over the last couple of weeks, it’s a good time to brush up on bus cancellations procedures.
According to Andre Verhage, transportation supervisor for SE Cornerstone Public School Division, several conditions can lead to bus cancellations.
“The first thing would be temperature,” he said. “If it’s below –40°C ambient or –45°C with the wind chill, we would be cancelling.”
Road conditions and visibility are also factors in the decision.
Heroes of Education: celebrating those who support learning
School divisions, schools, and school community councils are celebrating with activities throughout the week, as the Province of Saskatchewan proclaimed February 9th to 15th as Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week.
"From providing skills and knowledge in the classroom to supporting student activities, teachers and school staff provide the foundation for lifelong learning," said Education Minister Everett Hindley.
What to do if you find a moose or other wildlife in town
With a moose spotted in Midale on Thursday night, some may be wondering what they should do if they come across out-of-place wildlife.
Wildlife Ecologist with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment, Leanne Heisler said it depends on whether the animal is a threat or needs help.
"You can report sick deer and wildlife that are becoming a nuisance, to the general inquiry line for the Ministry of Environment. Any wildlife that is you think is a public safety concern, like cougars in town, or moose in urban centres, you can call the TIPP line."
Stay alert, avoid costly collisions: SGI's Traffic Safety Spotlight
SGI's Traffic Safety Spotlight for January is focused on staying alert on the roads to avoid collisions.
With the new year comes the urgency to get out of holiday mode and back into the flow of reality. While reality is still setting in for some, safe driving practices are too important not to be used year-round to avoid the harsher reality that goes along with motor vehicle collisions.
Sask Sport recognizing local contributors to amateur sport
The 40th Annual Saskatchewan Sport Awards Recipients and Finalists have been announced.
The awards celebrate the success and dedication of those in the province’s amateur sport community through two categories, Excellence Awards and Recognition Awards.
Midale's Keely Shaw has been Nominated by Saskatchewan Cycling Association as Female Athlete of the Year.
Environment Canada predicts above-average temperatures just in time for Christmas
An Alberta clipper swept through the area yesterday bringing heavy snowfall and cold temperatures. Environment Canada Meteorologist Danielle Dejardins explains tonight will see similarly cold temperatures before less severe weather moves in.
“Just one more kind of cooler night. We're expecting wind chills into the minus 30s overnight tonight. Not quite extreme warning criteria but still will be pretty cold nonetheless.”
Tags, mini 'backpacks', apps: ways biologists track migrating geese throughout North America
While there is never a dull moment here in the 'Land of Living Skies', the honking sounds at this time of year have more people looking up, as Geese are migrating south for winter. With thousands gathered recently in the area, we asked Katherine Conkin, the Provincial Game Bird Biologist with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment just how far these birds will travel, and how they can track them throughout their journey.
She said post-harvest fields like the ones in our area have plenty of available food, such as grain and grubs, for Snow Geese and Ross's Geese.
Tags, mini 'backpacks', apps: ways biologists track migrating geese throughout North America
While there is never a dull moment here in the 'Land of Living Skies', the honking sounds at this time of year have more people looking up, as Geese are migrating south for winter. With thousands gathered recently in the area, we asked Katherine Conkin, the Provincial Game Bird Biologist with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment just how far these birds will travel, and how they can track them throughout their journey.
She said post-harvest fields like the ones in our area have plenty of available food, such as grain and grubs, for Snow Geese and Ross's Geese.
Tags, mini 'backpacks', apps: ways biologists track migrating geese throughout North America
While there is never a dull moment here in the 'Land of Living Skies', the honking sounds at this time of year have more people looking up, as Geese are migrating south for winter. With thousands gathered recently in the area, we asked Katherine Conkin, the Provincial Game Bird Biologist with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment just how far these birds will travel, and how they can track them throughout their journey.
She said post-harvest fields like the ones in our area have plenty of available food, such as grain and grubs, for Snow Geese and Ross's Geese.