“Deals, discounts, and free donuts? You got it!”

Some call it a complex. Some call it a not-so-mini mall. But everyone’s familiar with Keystone Agri-Motive, Keystone SAR, Highway 12 NAPA Auto Parts, and Penner Trailers – which together make up the Penner Group of Companies located on Highway 12 North in Steinbach.

The success of these businesses is evident by their growth, and they’re grateful for all their customers, clients, and friends. To say thank you, they’re hosting a giant Customer Appreciation event on Saturday, April 29th from 10 am until 3 pm.

The importance of supporting local businesses

When you need to make a purchase, do you immediately log onto Amazon? Or do you venture into your community to check out your local grocery, shoe, or furniture store?

Where you spend your money matters. When you choose to support local businesses, this helps to ensure your money stays in your community. Today, local businesses in Manitoba and across Canada are under extreme pressure to try and match the prices of online stores. They are doing this while trying to recover from the devastating effects of the pandemic, and also dealing with the effects of high inflation.

Who? Who? Who Will Help The Burrowing Owl?

Burrowing owl populations have declined over the last few years, mostly due to habitat loss. Found in North and South America, it is listed as Endangered within Canada.  

Lori Johnson, coordinator at the Saskatchewan Burrowing Owl Interpretive Center and Alex Froese, director and founder at the Manitoba Burrowing Owl Recovery Program, have joined forces to save the burrowing owl, and potentially remove them off the list of endangered species.  

WM. Dyck & Sons growing to better serve expanding customer base and contractors

Loyalty and growth have been at the heart of WM. Dyck & Sons success for 80 years, and everyone from customers to contractors to employees can anticipate more of both as the Niverville business looks to the future.

Construction of a new office and storage facility at their Distribution Centre will begin this spring with completion expected by year's end. The anchor store will also be getting new signage and a revamped exterior. Additionally, contractors will notice a more convenient experience when stopping by.

Job Fair returns to Steinbach March 16: “We're excited to be back in-person!”

It's like a matchmaking event… matching employers with employees! 

Barb Plett is the Employment Facilitator with Eastman Immigrant Services (EIS). She says excitement is growing for their in-person job fair, Thursday, March 16th from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm at Steinbach’s Pat Porter Active Living Centre.

“The Job Fair is open to everybody, immigrants and non-immigrants alike,” invites Plett. “Everybody in the community can come!”

New cabinet company cuts wait times and costs for consumers

Downtime is the enemy of almost any job and something homebuilder Derek Waskul has encountered often over the last few years.

“Houses were just sitting empty because we couldn’t get the kitchens in time,” Waskul recalled, “Some cabinets right now are taking you up to six months to get in.”

When Waskul began working with Canada Cabinets and started receiving orders within weeks instead of months, he knew the public would jump at the chance to “skip the line” are getting their own custom kitchens sooner – which is where Cabinet Collection by Project DW was born.

Tutapona helping to create authentic hope among refugees

There’s a story Tutapona uses in its Ugandan curriculum.

Imagine yourself walking in a field, and you accidentally step on a poisonous snake. It jumps up and bites your ankle, and because you’ve been bitten its poison is inside you. Now, you could try to get revenge on the snake, or even kill it. But it’s you who would die, and the snake, meanwhile, is already gone; it’s not even thinking about you anymore. So, what do you do? You need to get that poison out, and your only way forward is to find a way to take care of yourself.

GNM Fine Jewellers reveals massive moving sale

“A jeweller never tells.” 

This from Nick Lanteigne, Sales Manager at GNM Fine Jewellers, in a recent radio ad.  

As a jeweller, he’s accustomed to keeping client’s secrets. Husbands buy surprise gifts for their wives. Young men buy engagement rings. There are many reasons to be careful to not steal anyone’s thunder. But as it turns out, he’s been keeping a secret of his own for quite a while.  

“We’re moving the store to Main Street,” Lanteigne shares.