Fatal avalanche northwest of Banff claims skier's life

A skier has died after setting off an avalanche on a mountain northwest of Banff.

Avalanche Canada reported that a lone skier ventured off the shoulder of Cathedral Mountain onto a terrain known as Cathedral Glades.

The skier inadvertently triggered a size 2.5 avalanche.

The victim was reported missing on April 1.

"The incident date is derived from a professional observation made in the morning of March 30. That report identified the avalanche as being approximately 12 hours old." according to officials.

Baltimore ministries helping emergency workers and ship crew 1 week after bridge collapse

One week after a Baltimore bridge collapsed from a cargo ship crashing into it has emergency crews and church members busy helping out. 

On March 26 early in the morning a container ship that had just left the Port of Baltimore, struck the Francis Scott Key Bridge, causing it to collapse and killed six construction workers. 

Going It Alone

Exodus 4:11–17

Then the LORD became angry with Moses. “All right,” he said. “What about your brother, Aaron the Levite? I know he speaks well. And look! He is on his way to meet you now. He will be delighted to see you. Talk to him, and put the words in his mouth. I will be with both of you as you speak, and I will instruct you both in what to do. (Exodus 4:14–15)

Verse of the day: April 3

Hebrews 12:2

"Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."


Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Help the City of Grande Prairie clean up your neighbourhood!

Residents are invited to join the City's annual City Scrub, a community clean-up to clear away and properly dispose winter debris and litter.

From April 2 until April 30, residents are encouraged to spend 20 minutes picking up litter in parks and nearby areas. Once the litter is collected, it can be disposed of in your curbside garbage cart alongside regular household trash.

Free supplies are available for participants to help clean up our community, including garbage bags and gloves.

Supply pick-up locations:

You're invited to the swearing-in ceremony for the new Chief of the Grande Prairie Police Service

The City of Grande Prairie and Grande Prairie Police Commission are pleased to extend an invitation to the public for the swearing-in ceremony of Chief Dwayne Lakusta, the inaugural Chief of Police for the newly established Grande Prairie Police Service. 

Before they can commence their duties, a Chief of Police must take an Oath of Allegiance and Office, swearing to fulfill their role diligently, faithfully, and to the best of their ability. This ceremony is an opportunity to celebrate this occasion with the public.

Ottawa to launch $6B infrastructure fund to help build homes — with strings attached

The upcoming federal budget will include a $6-billion infrastructure fund to support homebuilding as well as a $400 million top-up to the housing accelerator fund, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Tuesday.

Trudeau was in Dartmouth, N.S., alongside Housing Minister Sean Fraser as part of the government's pre-budget tour, which aims to drum up attention and win back support on cost-of-living issues.

Canada condemns Israeli strike on aid workers in Gaza, demands investigation

Canada condemned an Israeli airstrike that killed seven aid workers in the Gaza Strip on Monday and is demanding a full investigation.

The World Central Kitchen said a dual Canadian-American citizen, as well as three British nationals, an Australian, a Polish national and a Palestinian were delivering food that had arrived by sea when they were struck Monday evening. 

The charity suspended operations in the region following the attack. World Central Kitchen was founded by celebrity chef José Andrés and operates in several countries wracked by wars or natural disasters.

Danny Gokey and Better Than I Found It foundation create storehouse to help people in need

Danny Gokey has started a new project in hopes of impacting lives across the globe.

In a post on social media last week, Gokey announced that through his foundation Better Than I Found It, he is taking a piece of land in Nashville and transforming it into something called Morehouse.

"God has always given us a more vision," said Gokey in a video. "Often the needs that we are asked to meet are just in time needs, which means access to the goods, they don't come as easy as they used to be, especially in this economy and inflation."