Downpour in Jasper National Park slows fires, but comes with warning

Parks Canada says a weekend drenching of rain on parts of Jasper National Park is doing a lot to quell fire activity, but the wet weather also comes with a warning.

In a daily update on the local wildfire situation, Parks Canada says parts of the national park received over 30 millimetres of rain on Friday night.

Cooler temperatures were also in the forecast, which the agency says could further decrease fire activity.

CN, CPKC to resume railway service Monday as work stoppage ends

Traffic at Canada's two largest railways is slated to resume today as a rail work stoppage comes to an end following a Saturday decision from the federal labour board. 

Canadian National Railway Co. and Canadian Pacific Kansas City shut down railways last Thursday, locking out workers and disrupting freight traffic countrywide and commuter lines in the Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver areas.

The lockouts affected more than 9,000 railway workers amid an ongoing contract dispute between the two companies and the Teamsters union.

CIRB orders railways and the union back to work

Canada's rail companies and the union have been ordered back to work following a decision from the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB).

The decision supports Ottawa's call for binding arbitration between CN, CPKC and the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (TCRC), and extends the current collective agreement until a new deal is signed.

The CIRB held a case management hearing with all parties on Friday and released its decision late Saturday.

Verse of the Day: August 26

Romans 12:4-5

For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.


Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.


Joshua 14

John Gardner, a United States cabinet member under President Johnson, once pointed out that by their mid-30s most people have stopped acquiring new skills and new attitudes in any aspect of their lives.

Companies take stock of rail shutdown's hit to economy — and bottom lines

The economic fallout of the country's rail shutdown is set to come into focus this week as shippers and producers take stock of cargo delays and financial losses.

A work stoppage that began early Thursday morning at Canada's two major railways is slated to end first thing Monday after a decision from the federal labour board ordered the companies and their workers to resume operations.

Thankful for angels

Psalm 91

Have you counted your blessings lately? Let me suggest one you might have overlooked. Let's be thankful for angels—those unseen guardians who work overtime, who never slumber or sleep.

Angels exist as supernatural creatures in and about heaven, and they are frequently dispatched to earth in human form to bring encouragement and assistance. If you have ever encountered the sudden appearance and/or departure of an angel after receiving one's help, you are never quite the same.

Labour board orders rail workers back on the job as Teamsters vow to appeal

Freight trains must start rolling again first thing Monday morning, the federal labour board ruled Saturday as it ordered thousands of rail employees back to work to end a bitter contract dispute that shut down the country's two major railways.

The decision from the Canada Industrial Relations Board imposes binding arbitration on all involved parties following an unprecedented dual work stoppage at Canadian National Railway and Canadian Pacific Kansas City that halted freight shipments and snarled commutes across the country.

Storm clouds still heavy around Liberals as cabinet meets for retreat in Halifax

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will kick off a three-day cabinet retreat in Halifax on Sunday, where the themes are fairness and Canada-U.S. relations, but the feelings are all about déjà vu.

A year ago in Charlottetown the cabinet hoped its annual post-summer retreat and the massive cabinet shuffle that preceded it would give new life to the Liberal government. 

Spoiler alert: They did not.