Root Rot Network looking to eradicate prairie crop diseases

A new resource for farmers and researchers has been launched with the Root Rot Network covering advances in combatting diseases for crops in the prairies.

That includes both resources and research papers featured on

Sherrilyn Phelps, Director of Research and Development for the Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, talks about the partnership behind the website.

Teenage students surprise favourite custodian with gift of lifetime

Francis Apraku, the custodian at James Madison High School in Vienna, Virginia, recently received the surprise of a lifetime. 

Apraku not only cleans the hallways but also brings a lot of light with his cheery attitude. 

"He’s just a very kind, genuine person," one high schooler said of the beloved janitor.

'I’m so thankful that it wasn’t any worse than it was': Danny Gokey recovering from bike crash

Danny Gokey is recovering following a serious bike crash over the weekend. 

Gokey says he had to go to urgent care after flipping over his handlebars.

"I had some major contusions on both of my arms," said Gokey in a social media post. "I'm not fully sure what happened, but I could barely move them."

Doctors assessed him, and after taking a couple of X-rays, he was found to have no broken or fractured bones. 

State-of-the-art training facility to combat Canada's pilot shortage and share God's word

Canada is grappling with a severe pilot shortage and one Alberta-based ministry has found a temporary solution. 

"There is a huge shortage in the number of pilots coming out of training institutions," said Mission Aviation Fellowship pilot, Lowell Deering. "Our average number of commercial pilot licenses issued in Canada a few years ago was about 1,100. During COVID, it dropped to 293 and in 2022 it was 238. It's a huge problem."


Hebrews 10:23-25

I'm a sports fan. I'm sure that comes as news to no one! For some strange reason, even when I was growing up, I could remember the most amazing details—OK, maybe "trivia" is a better word—about different ballplayers. You know, stuff nobody really cares to hear, but nevertheless sticks in my head...the way it does with most sports fans.

Poilievre to meet with caucus Sunday ahead of return of Parliament this week

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre will gather with his caucus on Parliament Hill today as he prepares to make another push to topple the Liberal government as early as next week.

The one-day caucus meeting ahead of the return of Parliament Monday will begin with a public address by Poilievre, who has maintained his party's commanding lead in the polls throughout the summer.

They are the last of the major parties to have a fall strategy session after the Liberals, NDP and Bloc Québécois all met last week.

MPs to face new political realities on their return to Ottawa

On Monday Parliamentarians will return to the familiar stone walls of West Block in Ottawa to find the political landscape has shifted significantly.

When they last gathered in the capital the Liberals knew their prospects were poor after languishing in the polls for more than a year, but they were secure in the knowledge the New Democrats would prevent them from toppling before they table the next budget, at least.

But the summer saw several seismic shifts that mean the government will now operate as a true minority that could fall to an election at any time.

Air Canada, pilots reach tentative deal, averting work stoppage

Passengers with plans to fly on Canada's largest airline can breathe a sigh of relief after Air Canada said Sunday it has reached a tentative agreement with the union representing more than 5,200 of its pilots. 

The news of a preliminary deal with the Air Line Pilots Association came shortly after midnight on Sunday when the airline issued a press release just days ahead of a potential work stoppage for Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge. 

The tentative deal averts a strike or lockout that could have begun on Wednesday, with flight cancellations expected before then.