What is the indoor recreation survey going to be used for?

Some more details have been released on how Fort Saskatchewan is going to use the results of the recent indoor recreation survey.

Residents are still receiving their access codes for the survey, which are being delivered through the mail. 

The survey asks how often you use Fort Saskatchewan's indoor recreational facilities, the reasons you participate in indoor recreation, and if you're satisfied with them.

Range road 220 temporarily closed after train fire

Range Road 220 has been temporarily closed following a train fire.

Just after noon on Tuesday (Jan. 17), Strathcona County Firefighters responded to reports of a train on fire near Range Road 215 north of Wye Road.

When firefighters arrived, they noticed the train half a kilometre west of the road. 

"They made their way down and found a smouldering fire in an electrical compartment," said Strathcona County's deputy fire chief Devin Capcara.

Capcara added that Range Road 215 was closed briefly but has since reopened, but Range Road 220 remains closed.

How does Fort Saskatchewan handle abandoned vehicles?

As we enter the dead of winter, more and more people are noticing abandoned vehicles parked on roadways throughout the city. 

The City of Fort Saskatchewan is aware of these vehicles and follows provincial standards as well as a local bylaw to address them. 

"Municipal Enforcement receives numerous calls a year for abandoned vehicles," said Maryjo Webster with Fort Saskatchewan Municipal Enforcement. "A vehicle is considered 'abandoned' under the Traffic Safety Act after 72 hours of not moving." 

Finalists named in Food Waste Reduction Challenge

Yesterday, Federal Agriculture Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau announced the six finalists for the Food Waste Reduction Challenge for the Novel Technologies Stream which features two grand prizes of up to $1 million.

The finalists are:
 - ALT TEX Inc. (Kitchener, Ontario)
 - Aruna Revolution Health Inc. (Trois-Rivières, Québec)
 -  Chinova Bioworks Inc. (Fredericton, New Brunswick)
 -  Clean Works Inc. (St. Catharines, Ontario)
 - Carbon Lock Tech (Winnipeg, Manitoba)
 - Genecis Bioindustries Inc. (Scarborough, Ontario)

'I feel strong:' Bail hearing for sisters who say they were wrongfully convicted

Two sisters who have spent nearly 30 years in prison for what they say are wrongful murder convictions hugged and smudged before walking into a courthouse for a bail hearing Tuesday.

Odelia and Nerissa Quewezance were convicted in 1994 of second-degree murder in the death of 70-year-old farmer Anthony Joseph Dolff, near Kamsack, Sask.

How to apply for Canada's one-time $500 renters top-up

The federal government is helping out people who are spending a significant amount of their paycheques on rent. 

They are doing this in the form of a one-time top-up to the Canadian Housing Benefit that will allow eligible applicants to receive a tax-free $500. 

The goal of the top-up is to help relieve low-income renters from the effects of rising costs due to inflation. 

To be eligible for the $500 you must meet all the following requirements: 

DNA and a decade of work identify Canadian soldier, 106 years after death in France

After a decade of work tracing DNA back multiple generations, the remains of a Canadian soldier have been identified more than 100 years after he died in France. 

The remains of Cpl. Percy Howarth, a soldier in the First World War, were discovered during a munitions clearing process in Vendin-le-Vieil, France, in 2011, but it would take 10 years of experts digging through his family tree to find a living relative from his maternal line before he could be identified.

Childrens medicine in short supply as delivery delayed

Fort Saskatchewan pharmacies are in short supply of children’s medicine as the 250,000 bottles expected to arrive have been delayed.

According to government officials, these bottles of children’s medicine are the first shipment of five million bottles from Turkish manufacturer Atabay.

Luckily, there are still a few places to find children’s medicine. Pharmacies in the Fort Saskatchewan Walmart and Safeway have supplies of Tylenol, but with limited purchases to prevent them from leaving shelves too quickly.

More details released on water main break

More details have been released on the water main break from Sunday (Jan. 15) night.

After a water main broke on 101 St, the street between 98 Ave and 99 Ave was closed down for repairs. Two schools also had to close after the water was shut off.

Workers fixing the water main found the cause of the break to be a beam break. The beam has since been repaired with clamps.

The rest of the day will be spent making repairs to the road. 

Fort Sask Transit ticket no longer at Shoppers Drug Mart

Some Fort Saskatchewan residents will need to purchase their bus passes elsewhere. 

Shoppers Drug Mart has recently stopped selling Fort Sask Transit (FST) tickets and passes.

This comes amidst the City of Fort Saskatchewan's transition into Arc payments for bus fares. Arc is a pay-as-you-go system that uses a refillable card rather than transit passes.