New school coming to Gibbons

A new school is coming to Gibbons.

Sturgeon Public Schools has confirmed that a school will be coming to the town of Gibbons at some point in the future.

“The Board of Trustees has entered into a collaborative partnership with the Town of Gibbons to plan, develop and construct a school and community facilities on new land space with the intention of developing shared spaces," said Shawna Warren, superintendent with Sturgeon Public Schools. "We are excited and proud to collaborate with the Town of Gibbons to build a strong community that we all can be proud of.”

Salisbury students headed to Germany

A few select students at Salisbury Composite will be making the trek across the pond. 

12 students from the school will embark on a two-week expedition to Germany for spring break as part of an international exchange program. 

"The trip is the second part of an international exchange program, where students from both countries have the chance to apply their language skills and experience the culture of their counterparts in an immersive setting," said Elk Island Public School (EIPS) in a release. 

RCMP: Impaired driver rammed into Sherwood Park Arena

An impaired driver reportedly collided with the Sherwood Park Arena during a Crusaders playoff game earlier this month. 

On March 11, at about 7:40 p.m., Strathcona County RCMP say they received a report about a vehicle crashing into the east side of the building. 

"The lone female driver of the vehicle did not sustain any injuries," said Constable Chantelle Kelly. 

There were about 869 people inside the building watching the hockey game at the time of the crash. No injuries to bystanders were reported. 

U17 AAA Rangers playoff run continues

The U17 AAA South Fort Chev Rangers open up their second-round playoff series at the JRC tonight. 

They will be hosting the MLAC Beverly Optimist Leafs at 7:30 p.m. for game one of the best-of-three. 

The Rangers got this point after a convincing opening-round series win over the South Side United Cycle Bulldogs that saw them win a pair of lopsided games 12-0 and 7-1. 

Head coach Mason Hawkes said his team was able to take advantage of the Bulldogs missing some players from prior suspensions. 

"I thought we had a really good first round," said Hawkes. 

Do More Agriculture Foundation releases 2022 Impact Report.

2022 had its fair share of challenges for farmers and ranchers across the country.

From fuel and fertilizer prices to trade disputes, Avian Influenza and severe weather events like Hurricane Fiona.

Do more Agriculture's report points out that all of these challenges highlight the importance of continuing to prioritize the mental health and wellness of people within the agriculture industry.

GALLERY: Seniors and students bonding at Dr. Turner Lodge

Different generations came together at Dr. Turner Lodge on Monday (Mar. 20). 

Linking Generations is a charity that works to bridge the generational gap by pairing up students with seniors throughout the school year.

This meet and greet allowed student parents to join in and see the bonds that their children have made through the program. 

Debbie Sinclair, executive director of the charity, said that everyone engaged in conversation and even played trivia games.

Fort Saskatchewan preschooler reads almost 2,500 books before kindergarten

A Fort Saskatchewan preschooler has read enough books to last a lifetime. 

Penelope Milburn is just four-year-sold but has read 2,428 books so far, most of which were from the Fort Saskatchewan Public Library. 

Rebecca, Penelope's mother, said it all started with the '1000 books before kindergarten' challenge.

"We started that and once we hit a thousand, we just kept going," said Rebecca.

Penelope reads at least one book a day, with her dedicated reading time in the middle of the day, or sometimes right before bed.

AAFC releases report on response to federal fertilizer emissions reduction target

Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada has released their What We Heard Report today, the result of consultations on the announced national target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

That had the federal government looking at a voluntary 30% reduction in emissions associated with fertilizer application by 2030.

Over 2,000 submissions were received through online consultation, technical workshops, and town hall meetings between March and October 2022, with input being received from farmers, business owners, and members of the public.

Local artist honors fallen police officers with auction of original painting

Local artist Ashley Rosenow is raising funds for the families of the two EPS officers who were killed earlier this month.

Rosenow, the owner of Illustrious Interiors, created The Heart Beats On, an original painting which depicts two hands holding a blue heart.

"I painted this piece for our brothers and sisters in blue who have tragically lost their lives in the line of duty," said Rosenow. 

Second fire hall suggested in Fort Saskatchewan fire services master plan

The Fort Saskatchewan fire services master plan has been revealed. 

The plan was presented at Wednesday's (Mar. 21) committee and gives an extensive look at the current ability of the city's fire department and some ways to improve upon it. 

The plan was put together by BEHR Integrated Solutions. 

"I look at it as more of an evaluation for where our fire service is at and they provide recommendations on how to address any gaps that were identified," said Darrick Graff, the president of the Fort Saskatchewan Firefighters Association.