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Minister of Crown Investment Corporation Dustin Duncan found himself answering about expenses from his trip to Paris in November for the World Nuclear Exhibition. He was at the event in his role as the Minister Responsible for SaskPower and attended to participate in a panel with fellow ministers from Ontario and New Brunswick, as well as meet with representatives from countries and companies in the nuclear sector.  

During Question Period in the provincial legislature on Tuesday, the opposition NDP asked about expenses such as $3,500 for a Mercedes Benz car service for the time they were at the event. The NDP also questioned the timing of the trips using the car service, including a stop to the Arc de Triomphe and Napoleon’s Tomb, the latter allegedly happening when meetings were said to be taking place. 

“I can say that was a very full agenda that we had in Paris,” Duncan answered when asked about sightseeing by NDP MLA Aleana Young. “There certainly was no sightseeing that was taking place.” 

He reiterated he attended all of the meetings that were taking place at the convention centre outside of the city itself and also attended some of the other events taking place in downtown Paris.  

As for the car service, Duncan said relying on public transportation or taxi services would have extended the trip as those services would have taken a longer time for transit within the city itself.  

“We would actually have to extend our itinerary stay for longer days, Mr. Speaker, incur more hotels,” Duncan said during Question Period. “We wanted to be in Paris for the least amount of time as possible, Mr. Speaker and I can say that I did not skip out on any of my obligations while I was there.” 

Duncan provided the rundown of his calendar for the day in question, highlighting meetings with the company EDF, Canada’s ambassador to France, Stephane Dion, as well as representatives from countries like Poland, Czechia, and The Netherlands.  

“This was, I can assure the House, a work trip.” 

Author Alias