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The Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation announced a three-day withdrawal of extracurricular activities on March 11 - 13 and a one-day rotating withdrawal of noon-hour supervision on March 11. 

STF president Samantha Becotte says that teachers regret the continuation of job action, but remain steadfast that measures to address class size and complexity must be part of the provincial collective agreement. 

“While this week’s funding announcement is welcome, it does not guarantee ongoing, predictable, and sustainable funding for education,” Becotte says. “We have said on many occasions that a new collective agreement is within reach; the government simply has to come to the bargaining table with a mandate to negotiate class size and complexity.”

The provincewide withdrawal of extracurricular activities from Monday, March 11 to Wednesday, March 13 means that teachers will not provide voluntary services involved in the organization, supervision, and facilitation of activities including athletics, non-curricular arts, field trips, student travel, graduation preparations, school clubs, and other activities. 


“Withdrawal of noon-hour supervision on Monday, March 11 means STF members will not supervise students who are eating lunch at school or taking part in noon-hour activities. Although teachers, including principals and vice principals, often provide lunch break supervision, it is done on a voluntary basis. Student supervision is the responsibility of the school division and supervisors are not required to be teachers,” stated the STF in a release. 

Withdrawal of noon-hour supervision will involve the following school divisions:

  • Creighton Teachers’ Association – All schools in Creighton School Division
  • Holy Trinity Teachers’ Association – All schools in Holy Trinity Catholic School Division
  • Horizon Teachers’ Association – All schools in Horizon School Division
  • Lloydminster Teachers’ Association – All schools in Lloydminster Public and Lloydminster Catholic school divisions
  • North West Teachers’ Association – All schools in Northwest School Division
  • Prairie South Teachers’ Association – All schools in Prairie South School Division
  • Prairie Valley Teachers’ Association – All schools in Prairie Valley School Division
  • Prince Albert and Area Teachers’ Association – All schools in Saskatchewan Rivers and Prince Albert Catholic school divisions
Author Alias