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Photo provided by the Watrous Manitou

This weekend, the Watrous Whitecaps will hold their annual swim meet, drawing teams from corners of the province. Over 150 swimmers will be competing, including the local products from the Whitecaps swim team.  

President Tanya Jansen said the Whitecaps season began with practicing in the beginning of May, with the swimmers having to use the Aquatic Centre in Humboldt due Watrous only having an outdoor pool.  

When the pool is in service, Jansen noted the swimmers commit to a busy in the water.  

“We encourage our swimmers to every practice which we are able to get into our pool five times a week. Because of our club being 20 and only having five lanes, we split them with younger swimmers and older swimmers, so they practice 40 to 50 minutes each group five days a week and then it’s off to competitions each Saturday.” 

The Whitecaps have already competed in meets at Moose Jaw and Regina, and are planning to attend competitions in Nipawin, Biggar, and Saskatoon, followed by the semi-finals in Humboldt and the provincials in Swift Current.  

One highlight for some members of the Whitecaps will be the Saskatchewan Summer Games in Lloydminster, with five swimmers competing. Kellie Campbell, Amy Campbell, Mia Campbell, Morgan Chester and Logan Jansen will represent the Prairie Central District along with Renee Campbell as an assistant coach.  

Jansen notes it’s quite an accomplishment for the swimmers to compete in the Sask. Summer Games.  

“To have five swimmers out of the all the swimmers going is a huge honour for us.”  

On Saturday, residents will come out to cheer on the Whitecaps in their meet and Jansen noted they receive plenty of support.  

“The community usually watches comes out and cheers us on, but also even parents from past swimmers volunteer to be an official on deck so they can still be a part of that swimming community so they can see new faces but old familiar faces as well.”  

There will be squads from places including Swift Current, Gravelbourg, Rosetown, Elrose, Shellbrook, Melfort, Nipawin, Saskatoon and Humboldt competing in Watrous on Saturday. Jansen feels it’s a big deal for Watrous to have teams from different areas of the province in town for the competition.  

Whether it’s this weekend in their home competition or throughout the season in another location, Jansen says the goal of the Whitecaps is to achieve personal success with the aid of their teammates.  

“The goal for our swimmers is to beat your personal best times would be the main focus. It’s an individual sport but we like to say it’s team in our sport, so if you can beat your personal time, we are so excited for that.” 

Jansen noted provincials is a date the Whitecaps always have circled on their calendar.  

“Let’s go represent our club and our northern district.”  

Warmups begin at 8:00 on Saturday morning, with the first session of competition at 9:00 and following a lunch break, the second session of competition beginning at 1:00.   

Author Alias