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The Weyburn Minor Football season is just around the corner, and the association is looking for players, coaches, and board members to join. President of Weyburn Minor Football Ryan Maloney looks to continue to grow the association not only on the field, but off it as well. 

“We're looking to continue to grow our registration of players and always looking for coaches and assistant coaches; we have several vacancies on our Board of Directors right now. Our board is fairly small as far as executive goes, there's me as the current President, but we currently have vacancies at Vice President, Secretary, Field & Facilities manager as well as other director members at large.” 

The minor football season is relatively short, only 2 months, but many volunteers are needed to have it run smoothly. There are currently 3 divisions in Weyburn Minor Football including U-10, U-12, and U-14, starting with 6-man football in U-10 and working their way to the classic 12-man format in U-14.  

Coaches are always needed to help teach and grow the young players and help them find their full potential on the gridiron. However, most people have very little experience with football besides watching it on T.V. Maloney says it’s more about the volunteer’s heart than the mind.  

“We're always looking for coaches. People that necessarily feel comfortable in a head coach or in a coordinator type role, but we need all kinds of coaches. So, anybody that's interested in coaching is more than welcome. We'll provide training on safe contact and respect in sport and all the needed information, but we're just mainly looking for people to come out and help.” 

Registration for the fall season is still open and those interested in finding out more about volunteering are encouraged to visit weyburnminorfootball.org for all the information regarding player registration, coach volunteering, joining the board, or even how to become a referee.  

Author Alias