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Taylor Ranch - 2024 Tesa AB Finalist

A key highlight during the Canadian Beef Industry Conference is the naming of the winners for the 2024 National Environmental Stewardship Award.

Among the finalists for the title is Taylor Ranches a family run cow-calf operation on the Milk River Ridge southwest of Warner, Alberta.

Robert Taylor says he and his family operate an 800 head commercial black angus herd with a focus on wildlife management and habitat.

Robert and Audrey are joined in the daily management and operation of the 800 head commercial Black Angus herd by the two youngest of their four children, Clayton and Courtney.

Along with about 3,500 acres of deeded land, they also manage about 12,000 of crown grazing lease land, made up of mostly rugged native grass prairie. 

A priority for Taylor Ranches is wildlife management and habitat. Robert says that when they install fences or water troughs they take into consideration how it will affect the wildlife, they've installed man-made nests for hawks and eagles and hay late in the season to avoid duck nests. The Taylors have fenced off multiple dugouts and installed solar off-site watering systems, which has improved the quality of the water and habitat.

The properties also include critical habitat for species that are listed at risk such as the Ferruginous Hawk, Sprague’s Pipit, and grizzly bear as well species listed as sensitive such as Pronghorn antelope, Sharp-Tailed Grouse and Common Nighthawk.

Also competing for the national honor the Association of Manitoba Municipalities in Manitoba; Block Ranching Ltd at Abbey, Saskatchewan; Circle H Farms from Ontario; Ecoboeuf from Quebec; and Holdanca Farms from the Maritimes.

To hear Glenda-Lee's conversation with Robert Taylor of Taylor Ranches click on the link below.

Audio file