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The province will be hosting a few events over the next couple of months to better connect with different areas and sectors.

With 2025 getting started Saskatchewan will be the host of a number of agriculture events over the next two months, with the province's Ministry of Agriculture preparing for those.

Besides the larger agriculture shows happening across the prairies, the province's Regional Roundup and the Celebrating Rural Ranching Women events are just around the corner.

Livestock and feed extension specialist Adriane Goode says that work begins with their regional roundup.

"The regional roundup will be in Lafleche on January 24th. It will be located at Club 50 and this is kind of an opportunity for us to reach out to our South Central region. Everyone is invited, it's free of charge. The topics will include some crop disease updates, some water and feed testing updates, a lot about livestock and crop market updates, as well as some funding opportunities for producers. Then we'll wrap up our evening with a performance by Saskatchewan comedian Joel Jeffrey."

The event will be free, with a supper and entertainment being provided thanks to sponsors.

Later in the winter, they'll host another gathering to highlight women in agriculture, as detailed by Goode.

"Celebrating Rural Ranching Women is one we host every year. It kind of rotates around the province and this is the first year we've gone a little farther North to Baker. It'll be February 6th and 7th, afternoon on the 6th and most of the day on the 7th, covering a ton of different topics for mental health on the ranch and managing conflict, community and nutrition for beef cattle and some updates on some projects we've been doing here in the ministry and a producer panel that's always popular."

The province will also be hosting a few different yearly events past that which Goode says people should keep an eye out for.

"We've got a few regular ones throughout the year. We've got the crop diagnostics school, we just finished up the agriculture research update in December, and then there's a few coming up in the Maple Creek and Swift Current areas. So check out that agriculture events calendar and there's always a few on there, at least."

Anyone looking for more info can call their local Agriculture Knowledge Centre at 1-866-457-2377 or go to saskatchewan.ca/agricultureevents.