A previously jackknifed semi-trailer north on the QEII has been cleared.
Update: NB QEII north of jct Hwy27, near Olds - jackknifed semi cleared. (10:18pm) #ABRoads #yyctraffic https://t.co/Cq8HwwbfjR
— 511 Alberta (@511Alberta) January 22, 2025
However, drivers on the QEII between Highway 2A and south of Bowden should be prepared for hazardous road conditions. Drifting snow and strong winds have created bare wheel paths, and slippery patches and reduced traction are possible. Drivers are advised to adjust their speed and stay vigilant.
Further north, the RCMP are warning of whiteout conditions and strong winds between Red Deer and Leduc, where multiple collisions have already been reported. 511 Alberta reports a tow ban on the QEII between Edmonton and Blackfalds due to reduced visibility and slippery conditions, making travel hazardous.
RCMP also advises that road conditions in Leduc, Wetaskiwin, Camrose County, Maskwacis, and Ponoka are extremely poor. Police actively respond to multiple collisions and vehicle rollovers along Highway 2 between Red Deer and Leduc.
Environment Canada has issued a blowing snow advisory for parts of Alberta, though Airdrie has not been directly impacted.
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