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Seeds Canada President Ellen Sparry and Executive Director Barry Senft cut the cake celebrating the organization’s first anniversary at the Rooted for Growth President’s Reception - photo submitted

Seeds Canada celebrated its first anniversary at the organization's annual meeting held in Winnipeg last month.
“We’ve made considerable progress in our first year,” said Seeds Canada President Ellen Sparry. “Thanks for a successful event. Strengthening Canada’s supply chain is critical for our economy, our ability to feed ourselves and our ability to feed the world."

Seeds Canada is committing to continue working on the formulation of the Independent Standard Setting Body (ISSB), a new entity aimed at simplifying and modernizing the regulatory environment surrounding seed production, variety registration and more.
“Crop varieties and innovations are being kept from Canadian farmers under the current seed industry’s regulatory framework,” said Seeds Canada Executive Director Barry Senft. “One major multinational seed company has pulled out its cereal breeding activity out of Canada because of the challenges they faced getting their crop varieties to farmers.”

The four-day Rooted for Growth conference brought together hundreds of seed growers, seed companies, industry professionals and government representatives.
Seeds Canada was formed in 2021 as an amalgamation of the Canadian Plant Technology Association, the Commercial Seed Analysts of Canada, the Canadian Seed Institute and the Canadian Seed Trade Association.

Over the week, conference attendees heard presentations from people representing all facets of the seed industry, domestic and global.
“We are encouraged by your support for our efforts to improve Canada’s seed industry by creating a regulatory environment that encourages innovation, growth and stability,” added Senft. “We have already begun putting your feedback on the ISSB and other initiatives to work. It was important for us to come together on Seed Regulatory Modernization and the many other issues affecting our industry.”

Author Alias