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With harvest continuing in Canada, Statistics Canada has released its newest report on the estimates for many of the crops being grown.

This month's totals have come as many farmers are seeing an excellent end to a good growing season, with hot and sunny weather helping to dry out the crops.

The latest report takes that into account, as the previous August 29 report only recorded conditions up to July, with the new data going up to the end of August.

Most of the crops are seeing a slight bump in the yields that are being predicted thanks to the new report:

  • Corn is rising to an expected 14.9 million tonnes, up from 14.8
  • Soybean yields are going up to an expected 6.5 million tonnes, above the previously reported 6.4
  • Barley will also have gains with an expected 9.4 million tonne yield, higher than the 9.4 million tonnes forecasted earlier.
  • Oats will be rising up to 4.7 million tonnes, from 4.5 predicted earlier.
  • Wheat is the only crop predicted to stay the same at 34.7 million tonnes.
  • And canola is set to fall in the latest report, to 19.1 million tonnes from 19.5 million tonnes.

The biggest takeaway from the report is that yields are still expected to far surpass the 2021 yields, thanks to better growing conditions in the prairies.

That consisted of plenty of moisture early on, explains head of the Report unit John Seay.

"Across a lot of Western Canada, we've certainly seen some more precipitation, definitely in Manitoba and parts of Alberta. Similarly, in eastern Saskatchewan there's been more precipitation this year, there are some dry pockets in the province in the central and the southwestern parts of the province, so yields could potentially be impacted there as a result."

There will be one final report on yields following the full harvest is completed, which is currently scheduled to be released on December 2.

Author Alias