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Blowing snow creating poor visibility on Highway 39 at Macoun
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A snowstorm moves through the prairies in 2021. (File photo)

Northern Manitoba continues to be impacted by a Colorado Low on Tuesday, with total snowfall amounts possibly reaching 40 centimetres by the end of day.

From Environment Canada:

Heavy snowfall with total amounts of 15 to 40 centimetres through Tuesday.

A Colorado Low moving through the eastern Prairies is bringing winter conditions to northern Manitoba. Accumulating snow will continue through most of Tuesday tapering off from southwest to northeast Tuesday night. While general storm total accumulations will end up in the 15 to 25 centimetre range, localized accumulations up to 40 cm may be possible with this storm.

Strong northerly winds are also expected to accompany the falling snow. Expect visibilities to be reduced while travelling in heavy, falling snow.

Rapidly accumulating snow could make travel difficult over some locations. Prepare for quickly changing and deteriorating travel conditions. Surfaces such as highways, roads, walkways and parking lots may become icy and slippery. Public Safety Canada encourages everyone to make an emergency plan and get an emergency kit with drinking water, food, medicine, a first-aid kit and a flashlight. For information on emergency plans and kits go to http://www.getprepared.gc.ca.

Current watches and warnings

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Author Alias