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The Saskatchewan government has faced a lot of scrutiny following the appearance of convicted murderer Colin Thatcher at last week’s throne speech, which featured crimefighting initiatives.  

Fast forward to Monday, Premier Scott Moe was faced with the task of making a public apology to members of the Legislative Assembly. He said in his apology that Thatcher’s attendance sent the wrong message to the people of Saskatchewan. 

“The message that was conveyed with last week’s attendance by Mr. Thatcher during the speech from the throne is not a message that’s acceptable to Saskatchewan people,” says Moe. “Nor is it indicative of the direction of government that has a duty to provide leadership on such an important issue.”  

Thatcher – a former Progressive Conservative MLA and cabinet minister for several years – was invited to the speech by Lumsden-Morse MLA Lyle Stewart.   

Due to Stewart’s actions, on Monday, he was removed from his post as legislative secretary on provincial economic autonomy but will remain the MLA for Lumsden-Morse. 

“While I do not review, nor do I approve MLA invitation lists, as premier and as leader of the government caucus, ultimately, I am responsible. To all of those that attended the speech from the throne, to all members of this assembly, and to all the people of Saskatchewan I offer my unequivocal apology,” adds Moe.  

Moe included in his apology saying that the decision to invite Thatcher was a “terrible error in judgment”, and took the weekend to speak with friends, family, and colleagues about what happened. 

The Moose Jaw resident served 22 years in prison for the 1983 murder of his ex-wife JoAnn Wilson and then in 2006 was granted parole.

Author Alias