
There was a rural crime panel as part of SARM's midterm convention in Saskatoon.

One of the panelists was RCMP assistant commissioner Rhonda Blackmore.

She noted rural crime seems to be on the rise again.

"There was that spike back around 2016 where it got very significant levels, and it had decreased a little bit since then but we're seeing an increase again. The price of fuel it's becoming a pretty hot commodity so that's making it more some subject to theft. We've had a report of 61 thefts of fuel this year from fuel tanks, and from jerry cans, an additional 12 thefts from actual farm equipment. So a significant number and we're seeing those on the rise."

A key concern has been a shortage of police in rural areas.

Blackmore says they've been working on staffing. 

Since April 1st they've been able to get 103 new cadets coming into the province, with another 18 that have been posted to Saskatchewan that are just finishing up training.

During the fall throne speech, the provincial government talked about enhancing enforcement.

The government proposing a new marshall service, earmarking $20 million dollars a year for the new service. 

She questions why money is being put into creating a new police service and new infrastructure,  when we already have it available.

"We have vehicles, we have buildings. You know the training is already in place and equipment.  All of those startup costs are significant. So our question would be why focus on that, and not in putting those resources into the RCMP."

Author Alias