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SGI is increasing its support to Students Against Drinking and Driving (SADD), by providing $85,000 in new annual funding.

Part of the funding will be used by SADD to create a new position specializing in school and community outreach, responsible for starting new chapters in schools across the province. The funding will also help support existing Saskatchewan chapters in developing and implementing new initiatives and ideas to encourage sober driving in their local communities.

"They're kind of our frontline soldiers in terms of the battle against drinking and driving," said Tim Spelliscy, provincial director for SADD Saskatchewan. "Everybody talks about the future of Saskatchewan as our young people and we certainly buy into that and believe that. We just want to provide them every opportunity to make sure that they're able to fulfill their potential in the future and not be hampered by any drinking and driving collisions."

Spelliscy says they have 30 chapters in schools across Saskatchewan, ranging from 100 members to 5 or 6 depending on the size of the school and community.

Impaired driving is still the leading cause of collision fatalities in the province, with the 19-24 age group having the largest proportion of impaired drivers.

Author Alias