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The Western Hockey League (WHL) announced on Friday that sanctions have been handed out to the Moose Jaw Warriors following the completion of an independent investigation. 

The investigation looked into violations of team rules and WHL Standard Codes of Conduct. 

Based on the findings of  the investigation the following sanctions have been issued by the WHL:

  • Connor Ungar, Lynden Lakovic, Marek Howell, and Max Wanner, who were all involved in an off-ice incident have been suspended for the remainder of the regular season
  • Warriors General Manager Jason Ripplinger and Head Coach Mark O'Leary have been suspended for five regular season games, effective immediately. 
  • The Moose Jaw Warriors have been fined $25,000

The four players have been suspended due to an off-ice incident while on a team road trip in Edmonton, during the month of February.

Though the conduct of the players was not found to be criminal in nature, the conduct was determined to be a violation of team and league rules including the WHL Standard of Conduct policies, as outlined in the WHL Personal Conduct Policy.

In order to be reinstated by the WHL following the completion of their suspensions, the four Moose Jaw Warriors players will be required to complete further personal conduct and respect training. 

Ripplinger and O'Leary are facing disciplinary action on the basis of failing to provide the proper oversight and supervision required to ensure a safe and positive environment for players, in particular while travelling. 

The Edmonton Police Service investigated the off-ice incident have confirmed that the incident is not criminal in nature. Following a preliminary review of the incident by the WHL Security Network, the WHL then commissioned an independent third party to investigate the matter. 

Prior to Friday's announcement, all four players have missed a total of 10 regular season games. 

Author Alias