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Alberta's Agri-Processing Investment Tax Credit program allows for a 12% non-refundable tax credit against eligible capital expenditures for corporations investing $10 million or more to build or expand agri-processing facilities in the province.

Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation, Nate Horner says Alberta’s new Agri-processing Investment Tax Credit program is an incredible opportunity that will diversify our economy and help eligible corporations from across North America and the world expand their operations, save money, and grow their agri-processing business here in Alberta.

The goal of the program is for companies to see Alberta as their preferred destination with a strong  agriculture sector, competitive tax system, and commitment to reducing economic barriers providing
an ideal location for companies to expand their operations.

To be eligible for the program, companies must be incorporated, registered, or continued under Alberta’s Business Corporations Act, with the proposed investment plan having a minimum of $10 million in new capital expenditures and the project physically located in the province.

More information on Alberta's Agri-Processing Investment Tax Credit can be found here.