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You may not realize it but the province has more than eight million acres of grasslands, forests, riparian areas, and wetlands located on Crown land that can be used to graze livestock.

The Rangeland Grazing Framework focuses on how grazing fits into Crown Land and integrated land management practices.

Crown rangelands support 14 per cent of the province's beef herd.

As cattle graze the land they help to maintain healthy watersheds, wildlife habitats, and diverse plant and wildlife populations, and sequester carbon.

The Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation Nate Horner says the Rangeland Grazing Framework is a significant step forward in recognizing the vital role that ranchers play in managing Crown rangelands. 

"By providing clarity on grazing practices and emphasizing the importance of biodiversity, the framework ensures that ranchers can continue to produce high-quality beef while upholding Alberta’s reputation for ecological sustainability."

The new framework will support the existing land use rights of leaseholders and set out a process for involving leaseholders when proposed land-use changes are being considered.

It also provides for greater emphasis on current legislation and policy. 

More information on the new Rangeland Grazing Framework can be found here.