Slight rise in COVID-19 cases across Alberta

Active cases in Alberta have gone up.

Over the weekend, Alberta Health Services identified 1,068  new cases of COVID-19 from a total of 21,752 tests. This brings the provincial total of active COVID-19 cases to 5,828. Heading into the weekend, the province had 5,745 active cases.

There are now 519 Albertans in the hospital due to COVID-19 with 100 Albertans in intensive care.

As for Alberta schools, there are active alerts or outbreaks in 228 schools. Of these, 14 schools are on outbreak status.

Rickford speaks on high vaccination rates across the province

The Northwestern Health Unit continues to see vaccination rates increase across the region.

As it stands the region is reporting a vaccination rate of 89.8 per cent of those eligible receiving their first dose, and 84.6 per cent fully vaccinated.

Provincially, 88.7 per cent have gotten one dose, while 85.6 per cent are fully immunized.

Alberta receives 5,000 doses of Janssen vaccine

The province is providing more opportunities for Albertans to get vaccinated.

As of Friday (Nov.12), Albertans aged 18 or older can book appointments to receive the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) vaccine.

The province received 5,000 doses of the vaccine after receiving feedback that some Albertans would prefer Janssen, a single dose, non-replicating viral vector vaccine, over other vaccines currently available such as Pfizer and Moderna, which use mRNA technology.

Alberta adds 1,068 new COVID-19 cases over three days

Alberta saw 1,068 new cases since Friday.

Friday saw 429 new cases, Saturday 353 cases, and Sunday 286 new cases. 

There are currently 519 people in the hospital and 100 of those are in ICU units. 

Sadly, there were 17 deaths reported since Friday bringing the total in the province to 3,188. 

To date, 87.8 per cent of the provincial population have received one COVID vaccine shot while 82.2 per cent are fully immunized.

Cochrane is reporting 66 active cases while Rocky View County has 75 cases. 


Cochrane schools status:

COVID-19 Nov 13 - Nov 15: 1 Death, 36 New Cases in Prairie Mountain Health

Public health officials advise four new deaths in people with COVID-19 are being reported today:

a female in her 90s from Prairie Mountain Health region linked to an unspecified variant of concern (reported Sunday);
a female in her 50s from Interlake–Eastern health region linked to an unspecified variant of concern (reported Sunday);
a female in her 100s from Interlake–Eastern health region linked to an unspecified variant of concern (reported Sunday); and
a male in his 80s from Southern Health–Santé Sud health region (reported Monday).

Footstock supports area food banks

Even in a year when they held a virtual event, Footstock has been able to embrace the community with donations to two area food banks.

Donations of $2,250 were recently given to both the Cochrane Activettes Food Bank and the Iyahrhe Food Bank in Mînî Thnî (Morley).

Meredith McMorran, chair of the board of race directors, says revenue was lower because it was a virtual event, so they were limited as to what local causes they were able to support. Both food banks were at the top of their list.

November 15: COVID-19 update

The Northwestern Health Unit has confirmed one new COVID-19 case has been found in the region. 

The new case was discovered in the Rainy River Health Region. The new case will not be added to the active case count as it has already been resolved. 

Currently, there are two active cases connected to the NWHU catchment area. 

Province, Southeast Sees Modest Increase in COVID-19 Case Numbers

The provincial government reported 163 total cases of COVID-19 over the weekend. Of those cases, 53 were reported Saturday, and 110 on Sunday. In the update on Saturday, it was noted the numbers were lower than seen in recent days due to a database issue, and the missed cases were included in the Sunday numbers.  

In addition to the new cases that were reported on the weekend, there were two deaths reported on Saturday, and one on Sunday.