To spray or not to spray? Farmers weigh their options before harvest.

As we head into the month of August, most farmers will be getting the combine ready for harvest. However, the question of whether to desiccate or not is always on the minds of farmers that want to get a jumpstart on harvest. Sometimes that decision of desiccation can be answered as early as seeding time. Jason Stewart is an agrologist with Parrish & Heimbecker in Weyburn and has noticed the increase in desiccants used.  

To spray or not to spray? Farmers weigh their options before harvest.

As we head into the month of August, most farmers will be getting the combine ready for harvest. However, the question of whether to desiccate or not is always on the minds of farmers that want to get a jumpstart on harvest. Sometimes that decision of desiccation can be answered as early as seeding time. Jason Stewart is an agrologist with Parrish & Heimbecker in Weyburn and has noticed the increase in desiccants used.  

Farmland value in Saskatchewan on the rise for many reasons

Saskatchewan farmland continues to increase in value compared to previous years according to the latest report from Farm Credit Canada (FCC). Farmland value increased the most in Saskatchewan, rising by 15.7% last year. FCC’s senior economist Justin Shepherd explains the many factors that contribute to rising prices. 

What to know before Free Fishing Weekend here in Saskatchewan

If you’re heading out to the lake this upcoming weekend with aspirations of catching fish, you can go without the fishing license thanks to Saskatchewan’s annual Free Fishing Weekend. Happening from July 13th and 14th, the provincial government encourages anyone, whether experienced or just starting, to head out and take advantage of the free weekend.