Local athletes bound for national track and field competition

The next generation of Olympians may well be on the horizon.  

Sarah Loehr and Kaylee Bernhard of Muenster are heading to Royal Canadian Legion Track and Field Nationals in Calgary.  

They were selected for Team Saskatchewan after participating at the Saskatchewan Legion Track and Field Camp in early July. They, and some other area athletes, were sponsored to attend the initial camp by the local Humboldt Legion branch.  

Big Backyard BioBlitz returns

Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) fourth annual Big Backyard BioBlitz is back for the August long weekend, encouraging everyone to go outside and document their surrounding nature.  

Whether you have a deep-rooted passion for nature, or just looking for a fun new outdoor activity, the Big Backyard Bio Blitz is open to all ages. You can enter as an individual or work together as a group.  

SPONSORED: Community is for everyone

Inclusion is for everyone, and Futuristic Industries provides opportunities for people experiencing intellectual disabilities to participate fully as citizens of the community. 

Community plays a crucial role in the lives of individuals with intellectual disabilities, providing them with a sense of belonging, support, and opportunities for personal growth. For our individuals, community involvement is not just beneficial but essential for their overall well-being. 

CPKC is reporting strong grain movement as we approach the end of the 2023-2024 crop year

There's been a definite increase in grain moving to market as farmers look to clear out bin space for the new harvest.

Elizabeth Hucker, the assistant vice-president of sales and marketing for bulk with CPKC says in grain shipping week #51 they moved just shy of 400,000 metric tonnes to Vancouver, Thunder Bay, Eastern Canada, the United States and to Mexico all out of Western Canada. 

She notes back to around week #49 they were shipping around that 400,000 metric tonne level, adding that movement is stronger than what we would normally see this time of  the year.

Pea harvest starting to get underway in Saskatchewan

Despite a late start to seeding, harvest operations are starting to get underway in the Prairies.

Precipitation which delayed seeding activity this spring was welcome in some of the drier areas, while some areas of Manitoba were impacted by too much rain.

The extreme heat with highs into the 30s is now impacting crop potential in some areas of Alberta and Saskatchewan reducing yield and quality expectations.

Paige Crozon and Team Canada open Paris Games with a win

Team Canada's 3x3 Women's Basketball team with Humboldt's Paige Crozon started off on the right foot at the Paris Games with 22-14 win over Australia in their opening game.
Crozon had four points in the victory. Katherine Plouffe led Canada with 10 points with Michelle Plouffe adding 8 points. 

Canada was 8-of-13 from the field and 4-for-11 from two-point range. In 3x3 basketball, a field goal from beyond the arc is worth two points, while a field goal from inside the arc is worth one point.

Quality of the prairie hay crop is declining with the heat

Getting this year's hay crop cut in top condition has been a challenge across the prairies.

The heat over the last couple of weeks is resulting in a decline not just in crops, but in hay quality as well.

Hay conditions have been slowly declining since we started seeing the higher temperatures with many days hitting well into the 30's.