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chinese christians

Christians of China’s registered churches have another important event besides Christmas happening this month. It is the national conference held every five years for the China Christian Council and the Three-Self Patriotic Movement.

Kurt Rovenstine of Bibles For China asks believers worldwide to pray for the Chinese Church during this time. He says, “It’s an important time for the church there and we’re just praying that God does what needs to be done.”

The first national conference of Chinese Christians took place in 1954 and led to the formation of the National Committee of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement. The third national conference, held in 1980, founded the China Christian Council. These two entities work together to unite and grow the Chinese Church while respecting the authorities and laws. During this year’s conference, new leaders will be elected to guide China’s only legal Protestant church movement.

Rovenstine says, “We connect with those folks and visit them at their national office every few years. Just so they know who we are and what we do. And, you know, that allows us the ability to continue to do what we do openly and legally and with their approval.”

Bibles For China partners with local registered churches to deliver God’s Word where it is most needed and within the laws. Learn more here.

While concerns circulate about the amount of influence the Chinese government has over churches, Rovenstine says their ministry partners remain faithful to following the Lord and teaching the Word.

“Throughout the years, we found that most of the leaders that we come in contact with, they’re dealing with the government, they’re not cooperating with the government,” says Rovenstine. “In other words, that’s the world they live in, so they do the best they can in the place that God has placed them.”

Pray for God to direct the steps of the new leaders elected during the national conference. May they have wise discernment and continue to build the Church despite the challenges.

Rovenstine says, “It is a very dicey, very delicate situation, which warrants our prayers for sure.”
