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Former HSD bus driver Kelly Penner and the Magic School Bus
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Former HSD bus driver Kelly Penner and the Magic School Bus (Photos Submitted).

Ms. Frizzle and the Magic School Bus may only be a cartoon to many, but a former Hanover School Division bus driver brought them to life on the last day of school before Christmas break.  

Kelly Penner has been a bus driver for 14 years and is moving on from her role to become a pharmacy technician.  

On her last day, Penner covered her hair with orange hairspray and wore a magenta shirt and a solar system-themed skirt to look like Ms. Frizzle. She decorated her bus by putting googly eyes on the windshield and the Magic School Bus logo on the side.  

Penner says she cranked Magic School Bus music as students got on the bus, and everyone enjoyed the early morning tunes. 

“I wanted to go out big and make it fun and happy because life is about change and lessons, and this is also teaching the kids changes sometimes necessary for us to grow,” Penner says. 

She says she received a mix of emotions when the career switch news broke. 

“There was many kids crying, running down the driveway telling their mom. And I got a lot of texts in the evening, ‘What's going on?’ And then I just explained, and they were excited for me, but sad to see me go,” she says. 

In her 14 years of experience, she says she will miss the students' smiles, interactions and conversations. 

"I've watched them grow up. It’s huge,” she says. 

She says she will also miss her fellow bus drivers. 

"I had one record a song and send it to me. I'm like, ‘Dude, not first thing in the morning have me teary-eyed. Come on.’ But it was nice,” she says.  

Penner thanks the teachers, EAs, principals and students who brightened her day.  

With files from Corny Rempel.


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