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Flooded road in southeast Manitoba

Reeve for the RM of Stuartburn says, “no more Band-Aids” when it comes to infrastructure repairs in her RM.

Michelle Gawronsky made the comment, when asked about their projects for 2024.

“We're looking at the roads and the damage that the roads were left in, from the conditions last spring. We don't want to be putting band aids on anymore. We want to be putting our tax dollars to full use.”

Gawronsky adds their council will continue to look at what needs fixing, “but also who can we partner up with in a way that is actually going to promote and benefit the ratepayers of our municipality.”

She says they will continue working with the Seine Rat Roseau Watershed District regarding drainage issues and retention issues in their region.  “We're definitely moving forward that way.”

Gawronsky says they will continue working on developing an updated one, five and ten-year strategic plan for the RM.

“As a Council, we're taking a look at, how do we make sure that we're meeting the needs of the community going into the new year.”

Another goal for Gawronsky in 2024 is to continue working with Eastman Tourism and Sunrise Corner,

“To have our region highlighted and recognized, like we were able to do last year in our schools, when Eastman Tourism visited high school students at the Shevchenko School in Vita. We are now hoping that students looking at a career in tourism, or perhaps for business opportunities in the region, that we would have already tapped the shoulder of the youth in our community and giving them a start as they think about what is important to them, not just their parents, not just the farmers around, but what's important to them. We hope that we are giving them an incentive to stay and build within the RM of Stuartburn.”

Gawronsky adds that they will also be asking for input from everyone when it comes to recreation opportunities.

“From our seniors and elderly to the businesspeople in the community, our farmers in the area that keep us fed, and as well as our youth in the area. We’ll be asking them, what are they looking for?”

The Reeve says she is excited about 2024 and the great community they have in the RM.

“We've got a very close working relationship with many of the committees, the nonprofit groups in our RM, and we're very proud of them, and we're out to help in any way that we can.”

“But mostly we want to learn to promote our region to the rest of the province, and make sure that other folks outside the area understand what we have to offer them when they come to visit us.”

Author Alias