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Jordan Janzen with his wife Gwendolyn, and their three children.
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Jordan Janzen shares how he has seen the kindness of God with the family he has now after the couple struggled with infertility. (Jordan Janzen/Facebook)

Manitoba Christian singer Jordan Janzen is releasing a new single called 'Kindness' in the midst of touring with The Newsboys. 

Janzen is the lead singer of the band The Color, while also releasing music as a solo artist. His first single was called 'You Can Let Go.' 

"When we wrote it we wanted it to have the element of feeling very good," says Janzen. "It speaks to the reality that sometimes in life we go through seasons where we really don't understand what's happening or why. It takes some reflection of when we're through the season. When we do that we can often see the evidence of God's fingerprints all over it. Though we may not have known it in the moment, oftentimes His kindness and His heart is revealed."

Janzen and his wife, Gwendolyn, struggled with infertility early in their marriage. The singer shares how now He can see God's kindness through that time. 

"The scenario that hits closest to home is our journey with infertility, where a number of years we were hoping to start a family and it wasn't happening. Now to be in a season where we have three kids and no longer praying for more is pretty special. For us, that's a revealing of His kind heart."

Janzen is currently on tour across the U.S.A. with The Newsboys, The Color opening for them. Their next stop is in Denver, CO on July 20.

"We got to celebrate Michael Tait's birthday. He's the lead singer of The Newsboys and former singer of DC Talk. For me, that was a wild experience. They have a bit of a special routine while on the road, they make lamb chops. We ended up having a cookout on the road."

Janzen and the rest of The Color band members are about halfway through their touring time with The Newsboys. The dates together will go until the end of October. 

"They say 'Don't meet your heroes, because they may disappoint,' but in this situation, they've been so generous with their time. It's been pretty cool to actually establish relationships."

The Color and Jordan Janzen are still making time for local Manitoba fans this summer as they play the Harvest Festival in Winkler August 9-11 and the Morden Corn and Apple Festival, August 23 to 25.
