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Rob Carnie: Maryse Carmichael is the City Manager with the City of Moose Jaw. She’s on Take 5 with Carnie and Carmichael, the annual city survey, let’s talk about that. 

Maryse Carmichael: We want to hear from residents, this year’s survey is going to be called “Parties and Potential”.  

We want to hear from residents about what your priorities are as residents of our beautiful city. What do you want to see? What do you feel is important?  

Of course, that will inform our decisions for budget. This year is also different, because we will have elections in November. Therefore, a new council, and our city administration will embark on a new era and a new group of people leading us.  

That’s why the second half of this survey is going to be “Potential”, because we want to hear about where you see as potential in this city? Where do you want us to grow and what direction are we taking to prioritize potential? We want to hear from everyone. 

The survey is going to come out in the next few weeks. 

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