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Rob Carnie: Civic election, you mentioned (it). Of course there is a civic election coming up this fall. Let’s go over voter registration and mail-in balloting and free city transit on election day and everything that we need to know about the civic election coming up in the fall. 

Maryse Carmichael: On August 1st the mail-in ballot applications became available. So, once you’ve applied, we will then mail them in October, (and) a bit later on we’ll send the full information on the application process.  

So, we will have our voters get available for anyone that’s interested. Yes, there’ll be free public transit on election day. We want to make sure that everyone is available and able to come and vote. 

It’s important (part) of being a resident of any city or country, is to be able to vote and make a decision on who will lead the city in the next four years, it’s important to have to keep that in mind and remember to fulfill your duty on November 13th. 

Rob: And all that information is available online at MooseJaw.ca as well as information for potential candidates, correct? 

Maryse: Absolutely, on our website you have more information available through the city clerk’s office at city hall. The city clerk is overseeing the election process for this year. 

Rob: This will be your first election as our city manager, so I wonder how might day-to-day operations be impacted during the election campaign for our city manager, and the people at city hall? 

Maryse: So, for administration, it’s day-to-day. No changes for us. We are continuing the normal responsibilities that we fulfill on a daily basis. Of course, we are also managing the election. Knowing that there’s potentially new councilors, potentially a new mayor, that will be there following November 13th.  

But really, our work as city administrators and for my work as city manager is just to continue the operations and fulfilling our duties. 

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