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The Red River at Emerson on February 26th
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The Red River at Emerson on February 26th

There is a low-to-moderate risk of significant flooding in most Manitoba basins this spring, according to the February flood outlook issued Thursday by Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure’s Hydrologic Forecast Centre.
On the Red River and Pembina River, the risk is currently moderate.
For the Roseau River, the risk is low. 
Spring flood risk is largely dependent on weather conditions from now until the spring melt and throughout the spring. 

The Red River Floodway is only expected to be operated under unfavourable weather conditions.
The Province says water levels are expected to remain below community flood protection levels.
Meantime, ice-cutting and breaking is currently underway on the Red River to reduce ice-jam related flooding. 

The next flood outlook is anticipated to be released in late March.

Author Alias