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Trevor Kirczenow (Photo Credit: Facebook @Trevor Kirczenow for Provencher)

A federal election is coming up in just over one month, and the liberal candidate for Provencher is getting ready.

"It's going to be busy because this is a short campaign and so there's a lot to do, but I'm I'm looking forward to it. I think this is a very important election, so I wanted to be part of it," says Trevor Kirczenow.

There are several big issues that make this such a critical election, he says.

"The biggest issue I'm hearing about constantly has to do with Canada's relationship with the United States and how to deal with president (Donald) Trump," the politician says.

"I think we need someone with economic experience who really knows what they're doing to be able to manage this ever-changing situation, and I really think Mark Carney is that person."

He believes Carney, who took former prime minister Justin Trudeau's posting following his resignation, would offer reliability and stability in the uncertainty of Canada's relationship with it's southern neighbours.

Other key issues on Kirczenow's radar include affordability and cost of living.

It's clear southeastern Manitobans are paying close attention to this election, he says.

"I feel like people are very anxious. They are worried about their jobs, they are worried about the cost of living, but they're also very engaged," he explains. "Right now, I'm seeing a lot more political engagement than I have in the past — A lot of people wanting to step-up and volunteer, asking questions... and I think all of that is really amazing and really important."

Kirczenow expresses concern that other parties have echoed some of Trump's language, which he now sees they are trying to distance themselves from.

"Canadians are aware that we need to protect out democracy," he says. "Canada is not broken. We need to protect what we have."

He is also concerned about how this election may unfold, after a his party posted a large highway sign Sunday afternoon, which had disappeared by Monday morning.

"Voters need to know what their choices are," he says. "If you don't agree with somebody's position, find a candidate you do agree with and go help that person out...I think all Canadians can agree that we like having democracy, and our democracy is important.

"We need to have respect for the process of an election."

Election day is April 28. Other key federal election dates, such as early voting, can be found on Elections Canada's website at elections.ca.
