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An image of downtown Strathmore from '100 Years of Memories' by Paul Sonsteby

On March 20, 1908, Strathmore was incorporated as a Village, and in the Spring of 2021 Strathmore Town Council proclaimed March 20th as Strathmore Day.  This year the town will be hosting various events in Kinsmen Park on March 20th in celebration of Strathmore Day. 

The Strathmore Overnight Shelter will also be taking part in the festivities with their annual March for Shelter fundraising event.  

Carrilyn Fisk Board member and Fundraising Coordinator explained that they are hoping to break records with the amounts that they raise. 

“So, we've been doing it for about 6 years and the most that we've had has been around 50 to 60 people out. In a normal successful year, we raised $8,000 and so in total over the six years, we probably raised around $50,000.”

“This year, we would like to double our most successful year. So, we're trying for $15,000. We are hoping to get 100 or more people out this year.”

Ahead of the March for Shelter pledge sheets are available here and donations can be made at strathmoreovernightshelter.ca, The Strathmore Overnight Shelter has been pledging laps and raising money around Kinsmen Park for over 6 years.

Coming together to help fellow citizens, neighbours, and family is a core value of any town, Geoff Person Communications Manager for the Town of Strathmore shared the importance of remembering our heritage and recognizing March 20th as  Strathmore Day.

"One of the things that people are so proud of in Strathmore is the connection to the community, our people, our history, volunteers, and the small-town atmosphere. By having a day that’s dedicated to celebrating our local culture and history we strengthen those connections.”

Citizens of Strathmore can expect a wild day along with the March for Shelter explained Person, "We’ve got a lot of fun activities planned. We’re hosting a cornhole tournament, pancake breakfast, square dancing, seed and plant exchange, even a ‘Pooches in the Park’ dog show. It’s a great community event to celebrate our Town."

Along with that PJ's Diner will be on site with their delicious homemade pastries and desserts available for a donation with all proceeds being given to the Strathmore Overnight Shelter. 

Last year the town was not able to gather to celebrate and the organizers are looking forward to seeing people come together again in the park, "It’s been a challenging couple of years for our community, and events like this one are very important to help us reconnect with our friends and neighbours," said Person. 

For more information about the Strathmore Overnight Shelter's annual March for Shelter visit strathmoreovernightshelter.ca
