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The Alberta Government has officially named September 1 Alberta Day to celebrate the province's cultural heritage and its unique place in Canada's confederation. 

September 1, 1905 is the day the official Alberta Act came into effect. This act established the province of Alberta and cemented the province in the ten provinces and three territories that make up Canada.

Premier Jason Kenney said Alberta Day will help celebrate what makes Alberta stand out among its neighbours.

“The pioneer spirit and entrepreneurial culture of Alberta have driven our province to become one of the most prosperous and generous places on Earth. We must remember and learn from our history and acknowledge our shortcomings while proudly celebrating our heroes and achievements. Creating a new annual tradition of Alberta Day – the day we entered Confederation – will be one way of showing our pride in this amazing province,” he said in a written statement.

Minister of Culture Ron Orr also spoke about Alberta history and the unique spirit that warranted this new day of celebration. 

“Throughout our 116-year history, Albertans have been generous, disciplined and creative. We should be proud of the province we have built together. Establishing Sept. 1 as Alberta Day is a significant step in affirming Alberta’s unique spirit, our contributions to and challenges within Confederation and what it means to be Albertan,” he said in a written statement.

The Government of Alberta is planning on hosting various Alberta Day celebrations in Edmonton and Calgary and is offering support to other areas that plan on hosting their celebrations.

Expect to see more information on celebrations and Alberta history in the coming months as our province gets ready to celebrate its unique heritage and its stand out contributions to the confederation of provinces that make up our country.

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