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canola plants just starting to flower

The recent summer storm activity brought heavy rain, high winds and hail to many areas.

With temperatures increasing and high humidity it can create the perfect environment for disease issues.

The Canola Council of Canada says sporadic moisture across much of the prairies and a quickly growing canopy mean sclerotinia stem rot may be a concern in many areas.

Plants tend to be infected with sclerotinia when the canola crop is flowering.

Since fungicide application must occur before disease symptoms are evident, in-field scouting, careful risk assessment and correctly timing fungicide application are critical.

Farmers will also want to be monitoring for Fusarium Head Blight. 

Recent weather has increased the FHB risk for cereal crops. 

Producers can check out their risk prediction at the nearest ACIS weather station by using the Fusarium Risk Tool, a moblie-friendly tool that provides local and hourly Fusarium risk levels using near-real-time weather data.