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A man in an apron barbecues bacon for the Hanover Agricultural Fair.(GW)
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Volunteers are needed to make the Hanover Ag. Fair a success. It runs August 18 to 21 in Grunthal.

With the Hanover Ag. Fair just around the corner, the board is still looking for more help. 

For every summer fair and festival, volunteers play a key role in the success of the event. 

Carla Campbell says they have approximately 200 volunteer shifts to fill for the August 18th weekend. 

Click here to connect with the Hanover Agricultural Society’s volunteer sign up page and to get more details on the requirements for each shift. 

“You can really pick and choose what you want to do,” Campbell says. 

It is a small group of people on the board and she says each volunteer is so much appreciated and really helps to make the event a success. 
