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summer sunshine
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Photo from Discover Humboldt

Even though summer is drawing to a close, the sun keeps on shining.

That's part of the reason why we are seeing so many mid 30s C temperatures this week, even though the seasonal averages are in the low 20s C.

Meteorologist with Environment and Climate Change Canada, Terri Lang, shared some insights as to why the heat wave is happening so late in the year.

"We're not expecting too many records to fall, I don't think," said Lang. "Folks should get out and enjoy, as best they can, the late season heat before they return to school and all that kind of stuff, because we know soon enough it'll be gone."

The true source of this warm weather is a high-pressure ridge that's covering up all of western Canada. From B.C to Manitoba, warm weather will be the norm for the end of August.

"It's certainly going to skew the numbers for the summer," said Lang. "We had sort of a late start to the summer and on the cool side. August has been quite warm and quite dry, so the farmers are probably liking that for harvest purposes."

Indeed, August has been one for the books when it comes to high temperatures and dry conditions. So far this month, there have been 11 days 30 C or higher, with more yet to come before September comes.

It's important to remember while it's great to enjoy the heat as summer ends, it can still be dangerous. Remember to take breaks, cool down, and drink water. If your home isn't air-conditioned, it can be especially important to remember to stay hydrated. 

Author Alias