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A helicopter using a water bucket to help put out fires. (photo courtesy of Royce Pettyjohn)

Labour day weekend was hot at Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park due to a wildfire that sprung up.

The source of the fire is still currently under investigation by the Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency.

The blaze managed to raze five hectares close to the old Boy Scout Camp but has since been contained to a few hot spots.

Fire Crews are on hand managing those hot spots, with multiple crews responding during the course of the fire having helped put it out. Cypress Hills Park does have a Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency base housed on its grounds, so they were able to respond and coordinate with the Maple Creek Community Fire Department as well as the RM of Maple Creek and local ranchers who offered support.

Royce Pettyjohn, park manager for Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park, says no one was hurt in the fire and was grateful for all the help they received in the response.

"We just express our appreciation for everyone who aided with the suppression of the fire," offered Pettyjohn. "Which includes many of our commercial bases within the park that offered food and refreshments for the firefighters."

The fire did leave an impact on the park, closing the Valley Trail road, also known as the Mickey Mouse Hills road. All trails north of Valley Trail road are now closed, including Links, Boiler Creek, Lodge Pole, and Whispering Pines.

While the damages are alarming, nobody being hurt is a bright spot amongst the ashes. The response from surrounding individuals and organizations highlights the strong sense of community in the area.

"It was wonderful how the community came together to ensure that the fire was quickly contained," said Pettyjohn.

Author Alias