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The entire school was ready to run!
Photo Courtesy: Tracy Ericksteen

545 Crowther Memorial Jr. High students got their running shoes on to take part in the annual Terry Fox Run!

The annual tradition helps raise awareness about cancer, as well as raising funds to join the fight against cancer. This year, the school raised $1995, which Crowther Memorial teacher Glenda Sorensen is very happy about. She said this annual event is important, as cancer has impacted many people and families.

"At the junior high itself, we've seen children that have survived and overcome childhood cancer. And there are not very many people in our school that don't have a cancer story or haven't been touched by someone in their lives having cancer. In the past, they've raised a lot of money to help with cancer research so that we can hopefully see some advancements in cancer treatment."

Terry Fox Run Crowther Memorial
Photo Courtesy: Tracy Ericksteen

While the run's main focus is of course fighting against cancer, Sorensen added it's also a great way to bring the school community together. 

"It's nice that it's at the beginning of the year and it's just a great bonding activity. Even though it's a serious topic, it's nice to be able to participate and be involved." 

With other schools and community groups also joining in on the annual event, Strathmore has once again done a great job of having the whole community join in supporting cancer research and hopefully ending the disease.

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Terry Fox Run Crowther Memorial
Photo Courtesy: Tracy Ericksteen

