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Photo Credit Joe LePage Photography!

Rookie Defenseman Kyle Provencher is this week's Strathmore Motor Products King of the Week. This year's Kings team has many rookies, and like some of his fellow rookie teammates, Provencher said there's been a bit of a learning curve as he adjusts to the new league.

"Just adapting to the pace and the physicality for this year. It's a big jump up from my last season, the guys are bigger, faster, stronger so it just shows me how much harder I need to work this year to get the job done for the team," he said.

Provencher said the physicality has especially been a big part of the learning curve because as a defenseman he has to back into corners to fight for pucks and disrupt the other team's offense. Since the team is so young, Provencher said it took some time for the team to get together, but they feel like it's finally starting to click.

"The boys finally found their chemistry with each other, so I think that's a big help. They (the Kings) took a lot of young guys this year, so right now it's just learning the style of the gameplay in this league, but I think now we're ready to make that final push."

As for what advice he could offer to other young d-men looking to make the jump into the league, Provencher said it's all about playing hard, team-focused hockey.

"I think really just playing your role on the team and playing with your head up because I've noticed that if you stick to your role it helps a lot. If you're not an offensive d-man, then stay back and keep playing how you play and it'll help your team out a lot." 

Ultimately, Provencher says it's about knowing your style and playing that way every game.

Off the ice, Provencher works for Trail Appliances and says when he's not working he likes to spend time with family and friends, and workout in the gym to continue improving his body for hockey. With Christmas coming up, Provencher is looking forward to spending a lot of time with family.

"We usually spend Christmas Eve at my aunt's house up in Langdon and then on Christmas we come back to Chestermere, so usually for holidays we all just stay together as a big group and do stuff like that together."

Being from Chestermere, Provencher appreciates playing for the Kings because they're so close to home. He appreciates that his friends and family can come to watch him play, and added that all the fans in the stands have been great this year and really appreciates the support they've been giving the team.

The Kings will play two home games this weekend, with the High River Flyers visiting at 8:00 PM on Saturday, followed by the Red Deer Vipers coming to town on Sunday at 4:30 PM.

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