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Photo courtesy Deanne Bertsch, Rosebud Theatre

Rosebud Theatre's upcoming performance of Say Hello, Wave Goodbye will have a personal touch that most theatre can't compare to. The upcoming performance is a true story of a Rosebud School of the Arts student Judite Vold's journey from an orphanage in Haiti to a new life in Canada, and details the struggles and challenges she faced.

Director of Say Hello, Wave Goodbye Deanne Bertsch explained Judite's mother was sick, so she was taken to an orphanage in Haiti where she lived until she was eight years old. She faced many challenges like abuse at the orphanage, but was adopted by an Albertan family and has since lived here.

Say Hello, Wave Goodbye was created by Volt herself, although it did become a full class production through a class called "Devise Theatre," Bertsch explained this class has students make their own movement/dance-based shows based on their experiences and stories.

"Her story was such a big story that it could encompass all the other stories, so all the other students have created dances that are their stories that we've fit into Judite's story." 

While stage performing always takes a lot of effort and carries a personal connection for the performers, Bertsch said when you have a true story about one of your colleagues it adds an even greater connection.

"You want to honor it (her story), and it does feel like you're carrying something pretty important and pretty special."

The show will run on February 10 and 11 at Rosebud Theatre, performances will be at 1:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. each day. Tickets include a buffet meal at the Rosebud Mercantile and $10 from each ticket will go towards a fundraiser to help the students travel to London, UK, to learn more about theatre and the arts.

You can buy tickets on their website rosebudtheatre.com

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