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A women's conference designed to empower and encourage women will make a stop in Winnipeg later this week. 

Joanne Hoehne, the founder of SHE Tour conferences, says it's not your average conference. 

"I was really not a fan of women's conferences because I felt like, you know, you go, and everyone's rah-rah, you can do this, and you leave the same," Hoehne explained. "I just felt like there was no substance. My experience has been a lot of emotionalism as opposed to tangible effects."

For years, Joanne says God had been giving her the acronym SHE, leaving her very confused.

"I'm like, what does SHE stand for?" said Joanne. "Finally, God said, it's a journey to true empowerment. SHE stands for saved, healed and empowered."

From there, she says God started showing her how to make this happen through a three-day conference.

"Day one is about salvation. Not just for our soul but also for every area of our life, which means full surrender. Surrendering our families, surrendering our finances, surrendering our callings, everything," said Joanne.

The next day, once everyone has surrendered, is the healing process, when attendees can deal with wounds that have held them back for years.

"Get those dealt with. Then on day three, we're ready to be truly empowered."

On the third day, participants will also hear from three speakers. This year, Joanne will speak, together with Michele Hunter, former drug boss and now an international speaker for Jesus, and Francie Chapman, wife of Dog the Bounty Hunter, who has a powerful story of healing and restoration. 

"I pick women who can truly bring not just a great story but who have already walked the journey and come out victorious on the other side."

SHE Tour Winnipeg Conference 2023 will be in Winnipeg from March 16-18 at The Source Church, 187 Kilbride Avenue.
