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Olivia Miller is a Grade 11 Student at Fort Saskatchewan Senior High School.

Olivia Miller has been named a Metro Athletics All-Star in basketball.

Miller is a Grade 11 student at Fort Saskatchewan Senior High School, who was given the award in late March.

"It's pretty cool, I didn't expect it," said Miller. "The Metro awards are really good at recognizing people for doing good stuff and working hard, so I appreciated it."

Miller attributes much of her success to her coach. 

"She definitely gave me the opportunity to do good. She put me on the court a lot, and it was really good to get the time to play."

Miller isn't just good at sports, she's also good at helping the community through the school's leadership class.

One of their latest plans is to have a 'fort night' to help raise food donations and cash.

"We're going to build forts and have a night at the school where people bring food donations, and then we hang out at the gym, and whoever builds the best fort wins."

Last semester she also helped start a charity drive to help raise money for the victims of the Woodsmere Close fires in October.

As for plans after high school, Miller said she knows she wants to attend university, but she's not yet set on the subject.

"Probably something in science, but I would definitely want to go to the University of Alberta," said Miller.

Miller also hopes to make it onto the university's basketball team as well. 
