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The Saskatchewan Common Ground Alliance (SCGA) is reminding residents to dig safely throughout the month of April and throughout the year.

Many people would most likely like to begin their spring construction projects soon and Shannon Doka, Executive Director at SCGA explains why digging safely is such an important subject.

"Digging is probably a really important piece because everybody wants to get in the ground. Whether it's fence posts or moving around dirt or getting your garden ready. There are all sorts of reasons to dig in the ground so Dig Safe month is a good reminder to always dig safe."

For over 30 years with their twenty-plus sponsors, SCGA has been going to communities and inviting residents to breakfast to hear their message and talk dig safe including damage protection and best practices. Doka says the recent breakfast held in Swift Current was well attended with roughly 129 participants. 

Doka provides details on the fact that new 2023 preserved markings are now valid for 30 calendar days.

"The SCGA and Sask 1st Call, we surveyed our members and our subscribers and we said what do you think about this change and everyone was overwhelmingly in favor."

According to Doka when residents see those locate flags in the ground they mean there are underground facilities there such as a live gas/power/cable line so there is a need to keep the area well preserved. 

The best way for residents to make a locate request is online here. Requestors are able to draw out a map of their projet so that facility owners can come out and mark the project site based on the mapping. Residents are asked to submit locate requests at least three days before the project starts. 

Doka says that in Canada there are over a billion dollars in damages to facilities for not following safe digging practices. There have been 42 damages that have occurred in Canada and in Saskatchewan which amounts to three per work day. 

If residents do not dig safe it could end up costing them thousands to repair and it could also affect underground water/internet/gas lines. 

Estevan will be hosting a Dig Safe Breakfast this Thursday.

Author Alias