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Visitation pod - top; Grunthal Caring Hands volunteers - bottom
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A former visitation shelter unit will soon become the new Vita and Area Food Bank. (top image) - Visitation pod (bottom image) - Grunthal Caring Hands volunteers (Photo credit: Facebook)

There is a new food bank coming to the southeast corner of the province and Jane Roman of Vita is helping to get it started. 

The Vita and Area Food Bank initiative began when Roman realized that there were people from Vita traveling to Grunthal for food hampers.  

“So, I thought it was time that Vita stepped up and provide that service here.”  

Roman says they are still in the organizing stage and hopes they will be far enough along to open the food bank in fall on the RM of Stuartburn property in Vita.

Roman says, their visitation shelter unit has arrived, and work has already started on getting the inside prepared.  

“We'll need some electrical work done, shelving, counter space, that type of thing, you know, to store the food. They'll also move in some refrigeration in there so we can store things.” 

Back in June, the Manitoba Government announced it would be giving 104 Visitation Shelters to 27 proponents, including the Vita and Area Food Bank.

The Visitation Shelters, used during the pandemic, 43 have now been distributed to First Nations communities, 55 shelters to not-for-profit and community support organizations, and six shelters to municipalities. The shelters will be repurposed for housing and accommodations, recreation and sports, animal care, vegetation, farming and other uses.

Roman says right now the Vita and Area Food Bank committee has seven volunteers, which she says is enough for now.  

“Eventually, obviously, we will need volunteers when it comes to actually operating, yes, we will need more.” 

Roman is very appreciative of the staff and volunteers from the Grunthal Caring Hands Food Bank.  

“Grunthal has been a great help to us. Some of us have been there, and we have gotten a lot of help from them. We've also just gone online and checked out other food bank handbooks and bylaws to get more familiar with what kind of things we need to do, and just to give us some ideas. So, we haven't been alone in our organizing.” 

Roman says before they can officially open the Vita and Area Food Bank this fall; they need one thing. 

“Charitable Tax Status. It’s one thing we really don't have any control over. We’ve applied for it and now we are waiting. We don't know how long that will take.” 

In the meantime, Roman and other volunteers in the community have stepped up to help families who need a food hamper.  

“For those people who live in our area who need a hamper, we pick up their food in Grunthal. We send one person and one vehicle to Grunthal on delivery day. We pick up the hampers and bring them back to a church here in Vita. Then we distribute the hampers from there. Right now, there are 22 hampers going to individuals and family units.” 

When asked how the public can help, Roman says right now they mostly need monetary donations and adds,  

“We have accomplished a lot in what seems like a short time. We feel very blessed with the people that that we already have and how things have moved along.”

Author Alias