Don’t be left in the dark when the power goes out!

You never know when you might need backup power. As much as you try to prepare for the unexpected, accidents and extreme weather are unpredictable and can leave you in the dark in an instant.

So, why don’t you have a generator yet?

Standby Power owner, Wayne Klassen, explains why installing a power generator should always be at the top of your to-do list.

Revamped Steinbach Arts Council Gala to celebrate community impact

Gathering and sharing a meal is a connecting experience. It brings people together to mark traditions, to express gratitude, and to offer help.

The Steinbach Arts Council is highlighting community impact at this year’s fundraising Gala.  With a focus on developing skills through arts recreation like leadership, commitment, critical and creative thinking, mental and emotional well-being, this year’s event celebrates a significant increase in participation at this regional hub for the arts. 

50 Year Old Gets A New Look

It’s been a long, looooong time, and Portage Toyota & RV simply isn’t the spry young dealership it used to be. Open for business since 1973, they’ve seen automotive trends and challenges come and go, and to be honest… it’s time for a facelift.

Today, their team is gearing up to respond to the most recent change- the higher demand for hybrid vehicle services.

Take 5 - Construction

Rob: Ah construction, the last time we got together for take five, we touched on this. The infrastructure renewal program, which includes water main replacement, the schedule is being finalized right now, and details on the first location set for water main replacement will be announced very soon. 

Maryse: It will be announced, and I want to talk about it, mainly because there is some significant areas in town, busier areas, that are on their list for this year.  

Take 5 - Left turn at Fairford and Main

Rob: Let's talk about one thing that has been a conversation, a topic of conversation on the MJ Talks Facebook page. One of the topics of conversation, the removal of the no left turn signs at the intersection, the busy intersection, of Fairford and Main downtown. For as long as I can remember there was no left turn on Fairford Street going on to Main Street. When you're heading East or West, you had to go straight through the intersection. Those signs are now down.

Take 5 - Aviation

Rob: It's Take Five, another edition of Take Five, featuring Moose Jaws’ City Manager Maryse Carmichael on Discover Moose Jaw dot com and we're going to start off with aviation, which is right up your alley. Of course, aviation has a significant place in Moose Jaw’s history and our future, the Royal Canadian Air Force commemorating the anniversary of 100 years just recently, and the committee will have other celebrations planned throughout the year.

If you want to be in business in Portage, we’re here to help

“Boosting economic growth and prosperity for the community helps elevate the quality of life for us all.” 

This from Eve O'Leary, Director of Economic Development with Portage Regional Economic Development (PRED). 

Formed in 2013, PRED is a not-for-profit economic development agency that manages economic development and tourism services for both the City and RM of Portage la Prairie.  

MLA McLeod's Report from the Legislature - Apr. 24, 2024

Below you'll find MLA Tim McLeod's Report from the Legislature for April 24, 2024. 

The views expressed below are solely the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official stance of Golden West.


A strong economy means a bright future for our province and its people. The 2024-25 Provincial Budget makes record investments in classrooms, care and communities – which are only possible due to our strong and growing economy. That’s why our government is committed to making strategic investments that help our economy to continue to grow.